We have to check alert log files for errors, but its a time consuming process to read the file using less and check for errors. If you do a grep it will take the whole file and if the log rotation is done by month, you will get undesired output. Here is a script to check alert.log file in oracle for errors for today. We just have to copy this to a file and name it as alertcheck.sh and then from the OS prompt run
"sh alertcheck.sh <alert log file with complete path>" without quotes.
#This script can be used to check any ORA- errors are there in the alertlog file for the present day #
if ! [ $1 ] ; then
echo Usage:
echo "sh alertcheck.sh 'alertlogFilename'"
frm=$(grep -m 1 -n "`date '+%a %b %d'`" $alrt |awk -F[:] '{print $1}')
if ! [ $frm ]; then
echo -e "\033[33mWe cannot find any entry for today."
echo -e "Please check the file you have given is correct OR check with tail command manually\033[0m"
lst=$(wc -l $alrt | awk '{print $1}')
lns=$(awk -v a="$lst" -v b="$frm" 'BEGIN{print a-b+1}')
dt=$(date '+%a %b %d')
echo -e "\033[34m..........Checking $lns lines writen today -$dt- out of $lst lines in the alert log.........\033[0m"
err=$(tail -$lns $alrt | grep ORA-|tail -1|awk '{print $1}')
if [ $err ]; then
echo -e "\033[31mErrors found:\033[0m"
echo ------------
tail -$lns $alrt | grep ORA- |grep -n ORA-
echo ""
echo ""
echo -e "\033[31mCheck the details of the errors below. \033[0m (Details means the surroundig lines of the error message only)"
echo "-------------------------------------"
tail -$lns $alrt | grep -A 5 -B 2 --color ORA-
echo -e "\033[32mNo Errors Found. Enjoy \033[33m:)\033[0m"
#############################End of the script ##################################
If there are errors it will list you all errors first and then a few lines around the error message with a heading error details.
If no errors it will give you corresponding message
If the script can't find any entry for the date, it will give a message for it and will remind you to check the file.
Thank you,
"sh alertcheck.sh <alert log file with complete path>" without quotes.
#This script can be used to check any ORA- errors are there in the alertlog file for the present day #
if ! [ $1 ] ; then
echo Usage:
echo "sh alertcheck.sh 'alertlogFilename'"
frm=$(grep -m 1 -n "`date '+%a %b %d'`" $alrt |awk -F[:] '{print $1}')
if ! [ $frm ]; then
echo -e "\033[33mWe cannot find any entry for today."
echo -e "Please check the file you have given is correct OR check with tail command manually\033[0m"
lst=$(wc -l $alrt | awk '{print $1}')
lns=$(awk -v a="$lst" -v b="$frm" 'BEGIN{print a-b+1}')
dt=$(date '+%a %b %d')
echo -e "\033[34m..........Checking $lns lines writen today -$dt- out of $lst lines in the alert log.........\033[0m"
err=$(tail -$lns $alrt | grep ORA-|tail -1|awk '{print $1}')
if [ $err ]; then
echo -e "\033[31mErrors found:\033[0m"
echo ------------
tail -$lns $alrt | grep ORA- |grep -n ORA-
echo ""
echo ""
echo -e "\033[31mCheck the details of the errors below. \033[0m (Details means the surroundig lines of the error message only)"
echo "-------------------------------------"
tail -$lns $alrt | grep -A 5 -B 2 --color ORA-
echo -e "\033[32mNo Errors Found. Enjoy \033[33m:)\033[0m"
#############################End of the script ##################################
If there are errors it will list you all errors first and then a few lines around the error message with a heading error details.
If no errors it will give you corresponding message
If the script can't find any entry for the date, it will give a message for it and will remind you to check the file.
Thank you,